University of Missouri 3D Printing Club
While the University of Missouri was hosting its first class on 3D printing, there was no gathering of those interested in exploring or advancing the technology. A close friend of mine, Derek Provance, and I decided to fill this gap and create an officially recognized university club. The University of Missouri’s 3D Printing Club had it’s first meeting in November of 2012. We had an amazing turnout, with over 100 attending.
Our main focus was on education, to expand upon what the university was teaching. We hosted our own after school workshops to teach the fundamentals of the technology, as well as different CAD packages. It was all student taught, building off what those in the club knew independently.
We had a great PR team, which had great success taking the printers to public spaces and making objects for those who passed by.
Last but not least, we would create objects for members to use in their class or personal projects, such as this architectural design.
(Post-note: As of the summer of 2014, the club is continuing to grow past 250 members and is currently operating under its 3rd generation of officers.)